Monday, January 26, 2009

A new day

Its funny. I often feel lonely but lately I have had the pleasure of emailing 2 very old friends and its amazing how good it felt to "talk" to them again.

I feel so cold in my worship lately, I want to feel like talking to the Lord is like talking to an old friend. But right now I am just doing it. Reading, praying but I want to feel alive like coming to his word and kneeling in prayer is more than just an action.

We have so many blessings from above and we have so much to be thankful for may we never forget that he brings so many blessings and knowing him is such a honor and a privilege and not something that should be done but something we yearn to do.

My prayer is for the yearning again

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


IS that even the correct way to spell it.

These are not mine but 2 daily devotions I receive and these were on the same day!!!!!!!


Could not pound into my head any better

WELL SAID (I can say that since its not patting myself on the back as I am plaguerizing : )!!!!! )

Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his
compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your
-- Lamentations 3:22-23

What sustained you through the night? What will get you through
today? What will enable you to achieve your goals, even thrive, in
the days that lie ahead? The LORD's mercies. These incredible
resources never run out! Each new day brings a fresh supply of
them. God is faithful to make sure we have them each day. Praise be
to God for making our world new and clean each new day.

For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.
1 Corinthians 14:33a

If you're looking for God to show you something clearly, don't over-pollute what He's showing you with the thoughts and reasoning of your own mind. God has given you a mind to use, and at the same time, He has given you the Holy Spirit to help, guide and discern what is of Him and what is of the flesh. Use both, but rely most on the unchanging nature of God to ultimately guide you in the way that you should go.