Saturday, February 21, 2009

What do I have to say today. We went and got Max's haircut for our trip to NJ can not let everyone think we are too hippyish.

I have had a really low time this week, I just get stuck in my own head..... but Friday Max and I went to the beach while much to Olivia's unhappiness she was at school ( I am raising beach bums) It just grounds me, we ran and played and swang. Looking at the ocean I do not understand how anyone could not believe in our awesome GOD. Its so amazing and powerful and peaceful too. I pray that I never live to far from the ocean. (I think I have some salt water in the blood)

I am learning to trust still and its all I need to do. Have faith walk and not run. Sometimes its a crawl but it is forward motion !!!!!!

Life is Good, we are healthy, my kids are healthy, We have a loving God he is all we need

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Thank you so much for your comment. I will definitely read her blog... although it scares me to death!
I would love to know more about you!
Email me anytime!
Also, I am starting a conference call Bible Study that might be a blessing to you and you wouldn't need child care!
I have much respect for you.
May God bless your sweet family EVERY DAY!!!